contract address:
$BORZOI token is available on the Ethereum blockchain. MetaMask is the market leader in ERC20 (Ethereum) wallets. On Google Chrome, visit metamask.io to download the extension and set up a wallet. On mobile? Get MetaMask's app for iPhone or Android.
Enter the amount of $ETH you would like to swap for $BORZOI. Click Connect Wallet then Swap.
NFT stands for "Non-fungible token," which means that it's a unique, digital item with blockchain-managed ownership that users can buy, own, and trade. Some NFT's fundamental function is to be digital art. But they can also offer additional benefits like exclusive access to websites, event tickets, game items, and ownership records for physical objects. Think of it as a unique piece of art that can also work as a "members-only" card. Meta Demons works like this.
You can contact the team via our Discord, our Twitter, or our Instagram. Discord messaging one of our moderators is the fastest way to get a response, so we recommend using that channel if your message is urgent. WE WILL NEVER DM YOU ON DISCORD. IF YOU RECEIVE A DM FROM AN ACCOUNT APPEARING TO REPRESENT THE METADEMONS TEAM, DO NOT RESPOND AS IT IS LIKELY A SCAM.
The pricing model is flat Rate throughout the entire sale. No FOMO curve or escalating prices. The cost of each Meta Demon is set at 0.09 ETH. For more information, please visit our discord community.
You are free to do anything with them under a non-exclusive license.
New to NFTs? No worries, here are some steps on what you need to do to get your Meta Demon.